January 4-5
We will be meeting at the church at 8:30AM and leaving by 9AM...please be on time in order to depart on time. We will back by 11PM on the 5th!
What to Bring:
Ski Bibb
Waterproof coat
Waterproof gloves
Something to cover your head (tobogan)
Something to wear under your bibb that's appropriate for the lodge (shorts and tshirt)
Quarters for locker
Money for 4 meals
Thick socks
Thermals (something longsleeve/pants)
Goggles (only if you desire them, not necessary)
What Not to Bring:
GameBoy DSi or other handheld gaming systems
Only bring your own equipment if you would like to, rental is proveded with cost...subtract $15 if you bring your own stuff
Bad attitude
Read your handbook if you have questions as to what is appropriate
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Upcoming dates to take note of...
Here you go parents!!
Jan 4-5 – Ski Trip to Perfect North
Jan 11 – Semester Kickoff at DownUnder UTK 6-8:30
Jan 13-14 – MERGE
Jan 29 – LEAD Team Lunch and Planning MeetingFeb 5 – SuperBowl Parties with your CONNECT groups.
High School Mission Trip: Montana - June 30-July 6 (Cost: TBA)
Middle School Mission Trip: Townsend Campground Ministry - July 30-Aug 3 (Cost: TBA)
Monday, September 12, 2011
10 Reasons why your student needs to be in a small group...
we've tried hard to give you and your students an opportunity to be involved in a small group here at The doubleU. CONNECT Groups meet on Sunday mornings and Engage is on Sunday nights for High School students while Middle School students meet for midnite (6pm). We have designed all of these to take your students deeper in their knowledge and understanding of God's Word. The following is a link to a post by Doug Fields on the benefits of small groups. He's a leading Student Ministry Specialist and a father of teenagers!
Monday, August 29, 2011
when should you let your student use Facebook?
Jon Acuff (author of Stuff Christians Like) offers a little insight at his blog...he's got a point...
Later than they want.
Because posting a photo online is like getting a digital tattoo.
Once you post it, you can never delete it. It’s on there forever, traveling across the world on servers you will never have access to.
So, would you let your 12 year old get a tattoo? If the answer is “no,” then don’t let them get on Facebook and post photos. They don’t know that college admissions counselors are going to Google those photos. Future employers are going to background check them on Facebook and Twitter for years and years to come. And those are people who are actually looking with good intentions.
The entire world is going to see that photo, and though a small, small, small portion of that world represents their friends, a bigger proportion represents people who might not have the best intentions for that photo.
Scary? A little.
Realistic? A lot.
When should let your kids use Facebook?
Later than they want.
read more from Jon Acuff at his blog here: http://www.jonacuff.com/blog/
If you do allow your student to be a part of Facebook, please keep a watch on it...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Directions for Moonlight Madness
Follow the link below for directions to the fitness center at Mercy North off of Emory. Girls bring drinks...boys bring snacks!
Mercy Fitness Center
Mercy Fitness Center
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Your Role is Important
I've come across some stats for you and the importance of your role in spiritual life of your student...please take a few moments to soak this info in.
80% of students who say in church after high school said their parents provided spiritual guidance compared to 59% who had dropped out.
50% of the students who stayed involved in church said their parents discussed spiritual matters with them on a regular basis. 30% of those who have dropped out of church say they had these discussions
Those whose parents were actively involved in church, %50 stayed in church while 31% dropped out
57% of students who stayed in church said their parents expressed an expectation that they would remain in church while 39% of those who dropped out say their parents had the same expectation.
42% of students who stayed in church said their parents prayed with them regularly. 22% of students who dropped out said the same thing.
Here's what all these numbers are telling us...a parents involvement (or lack of involvement) in church plays a significant role in the life of a student. If a parent of a student is actively involved in a growing relationship with Christ will have a major impact on the spiritual life of their student. Culture might say, "don't meddle in your student's life, especially on spiritual matters...they need to choose that for themselves," but by doing that you're handing over the reigns to someone who doesn't have full use of the part of the brain allows students to make fully informed decisions.
If you want your student to grow in their relationship with Christ then you have to expect it and live it. Is your example one that is leading your student to grow in his/her relationship with Christ or is it reflecting a mindset of convenient Christianity. Is God convenient for your life or necessary? Are you portraying that to your child?
I encourage you to expect your student(s) to be at church and I encourage you to live your life as a godly example that your would proud of them to follow!
*stats are from a LifeWay study...you can find out more at www.lifewayresearch.com
80% of students who say in church after high school said their parents provided spiritual guidance compared to 59% who had dropped out.
50% of the students who stayed involved in church said their parents discussed spiritual matters with them on a regular basis. 30% of those who have dropped out of church say they had these discussions
Those whose parents were actively involved in church, %50 stayed in church while 31% dropped out
57% of students who stayed in church said their parents expressed an expectation that they would remain in church while 39% of those who dropped out say their parents had the same expectation.
42% of students who stayed in church said their parents prayed with them regularly. 22% of students who dropped out said the same thing.
Here's what all these numbers are telling us...a parents involvement (or lack of involvement) in church plays a significant role in the life of a student. If a parent of a student is actively involved in a growing relationship with Christ will have a major impact on the spiritual life of their student. Culture might say, "don't meddle in your student's life, especially on spiritual matters...they need to choose that for themselves," but by doing that you're handing over the reigns to someone who doesn't have full use of the part of the brain allows students to make fully informed decisions.
If you want your student to grow in their relationship with Christ then you have to expect it and live it. Is your example one that is leading your student to grow in his/her relationship with Christ or is it reflecting a mindset of convenient Christianity. Is God convenient for your life or necessary? Are you portraying that to your child?
I encourage you to expect your student(s) to be at church and I encourage you to live your life as a godly example that your would proud of them to follow!
*stats are from a LifeWay study...you can find out more at www.lifewayresearch.com
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Introducing a new concept!
Hello parents of the doubleU! We're are introducing a new idea for our Sunday nights. Diverge will be morphing into Engage for High School students and Midnite for Middle School students. Our goal is to take our students deeper in their understanding of what is being discussed in whatever the series might be on Wednesday nights in The UUell.
Our goal for Engage is for High School students to "engage" God and "engage" others in a deeper conversation about who God is and what He's teaching your students in The UUell. Engage will be on Sunday nights from 6-7pm (guys at the college house & girls at the Morgan's house).
I would also like to introduce you to another new concept for our student minsitry...Midnite! Midnite is a time just for Middle Schoolers!! It will be a high energy experience for our students--There will be games, music, a devotion and small group time. This will be held in The UUell on Sunday nights from 6-7pm.
I'm pumped about this new opportunity for our students on Sunday Nights!
Our goal for Engage is for High School students to "engage" God and "engage" others in a deeper conversation about who God is and what He's teaching your students in The UUell. Engage will be on Sunday nights from 6-7pm (guys at the college house & girls at the Morgan's house).
I would also like to introduce you to another new concept for our student minsitry...Midnite! Midnite is a time just for Middle Schoolers!! It will be a high energy experience for our students--There will be games, music, a devotion and small group time. This will be held in The UUell on Sunday nights from 6-7pm.
I'm pumped about this new opportunity for our students on Sunday Nights!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Still in need of drivers!
Attention doubleU Parents...we would love to have a few more parents drive and be a part of Missions May...We need drivers for this week and next week!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Missions May
We'll be starting Missions May next Wednesday!!! The previous post has specific instructions for next week. Next week (the 11th) we will be handing out water throughout Knoxville. May 18 we will be working for some of the folks of Wallace Memorial (mostly yard care). On May 25 we will head out to Camp Ba-Yo-Ka to do some work for them as they get ready for the summer. On the 25th we'll be leaving the church around 1pm and we'll be getting back around 9 or so! It's gonna be a great MAY!!!
Missions May
Good morning, everyone!
Rhonda asked me to forward this to you regarding “Mission May”:
Next Wednesday (May 11) is the first Mission May for the students. We need everyone to bring cookies or brownies to be served at KARM. We also need parents who are willing to provide transportation and adult leadership. We have asked the students to arrive by 5 PM to help label water bottles. We hope to depart the church by 6 and return by 8:15. We also need some drivers! What better way than to spend family time serving Knoxville!!
doubleU Student Staff
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Upcoming Dates...
Please mark these in your calendar...
Monday Nights: Impact Knoxville
6pm in the atrium
Go support doubleU students in Phantom of the Opera @ Central
this weekend and next weekend
IMPACT Knoxville Block Party April 9
LEAD Team Meeting May 1
GameTime May 14
@ Neyland Stadium
Graduate Recognition May 15
Please turn in senior pics by May 1
The Way - June 10-13
pick up a registration form tonight at the welcome desk
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday March 2
Let me be the first to warn you (I've already warned the students), this will be a challenging message. I'm going to challenge doubleU students on the reliability of the resurrection of Christ. Why do we believe it, because it's way more than just something we learned in VBS when we were little. More more than just something we were simply instructed to believe.
This week we will examine the "what" we believe & the "why" we believe it. So come and worship with us this Wednesday at we finish META: God's Story!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
"sexting" and your teens
Be proactive with your teenager about "sexting"...
Scary stat...1 in 5 teens have sent a nude image of themselves via text message or internet!
Here's a link to a useful web article on the subject.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
META: Abraham
Last week we started a look at the METAnarrative. A group of small stories that make up one big story with a common theme...I'm pretty sure the Bible fits into that category! The Bible goes a little further in that it is Christocentric having Christ as the central character throughout it's books and chapters. From Genesis to Malachi the people are looking/waiting for the coming Savior to fix the mess we are in. From Matthew to the beginning of Acts we learn about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Acts to Jude we learn how Jesus changed the world, and Revelation focuses on the promise of His return.
Last night we talked about Abraham and his obedience at a time when we would be found lacking.
Genesis 22 - Abraham and Isaac
- Spend some time reading through the story of Abraham and Isaac together
- What difficulties do you have with what God asked Abraham to do (be real)?
- Talk about Abraham's obedience even though it was a difficult task. Verse 3 says a lot about the obedience of Abraham.
- Now talk about the faith of Abraham.
- Search through verse 5 for his faith...what does it say? What does it reveal about the faith of Abraham?
- Remember the promise that God gave Abram (before he was known as Abraham)...Isaac was the was that God was going to make Abraham's name famous in all the earth...it was through Isaac that Abraham would have many sons...and many sons had Father Abraham...I am one of them and so are you...so let's just praise the Lord...Right arm!
- Abraham said we will "come again to you." A strong statement of faith from a man being asked to do the unthinkable!
- But we also see God's provision as a response to Abraham's faith and his reverent fear.
- God provided a ram in the thicket/thorns...oh the parallel is almost too clear! God provided a sacrifice in the thorns as a substitute for Isaac! Oh please tell me you see this!
- Talk with your student(s) about the atoning sacrifice of Christ.
- Now you see how the story of Abraham points to Jesus...be open to seeing more ways the OT points to the coming work of the Messiah.
- Pray as a family that more people would know His sacrifice and trust in its salvation...pray for you student this week...pray for this ministry this week...pray that you would make much of Jesus!
sexualization of young girls...
Here's a link to an article that is clearly close to my heart...read and maybe make changes...I know I will...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
MTV and its new controversy...
It's always been my opinion to look before jumping. It is simply easier you point out the dangers, as well as decide whether to jump at all. MTV clearly has jumped into a pool without looking as to where they my land.
SKINS is a new show on MTV that is targeting your children...all in the name of reality, because they believe this is the reality for your children. Sadly this may be closer to reality then what we would like to admit. This show is explicit in nature and is adding to what is already a decaying morality in our society. I'm not exactly sure how they are able to get away with what they are putting on air (simply because a basic cable package with have it as one of their channels), due to the graphic nature of the images they will be putting one the small screen.
Beyond that plethora of information is the fact the actors are on this show are 15 year old and up. Uh-oh...that means MTV is now in what could end up being a legal mess. Child Pornography. You see...that's why you must look before you jump. How could they not see this coming? Have their eyes been so blinded to the point they are no longer able to see the edge of the envelope they have been pushing for 30 years? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD THINK THIS WOULD BE OK?
Madonna, The Real World, Road Rules, Made, True Life, 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom 1&2, Jersey Shore; and now to top it all off, a show based on children curious about sex and their sexuality. Parents beware! Students beware!
Here's a link to Dr. Alber Mohler's article on this topic.
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